Saturday, 25 July 2015


Last weekend I made a start on de-cluttering and its really brought home just how much unused products I have; hair products, makeup (lots of), skin care, cleaning products, candles, and even ingredients.
I don't like to throw things away but feel that I must use some of these neglected products after all I must of wanted them on the day that I bought them!

My dressing table got a much needed refresh, there was products in there that are possibly not even in production any more! So after binning a few items that were past it I could then get to grips with putting a little order into my drawers, I am yet to come to a decision on what I am going to use first. 
Next I organised my kitchen cupboards, this room is one I spend many hours in. I am an accomplished cook and I love to experiment and try new things, however I also work full time and don't always have the time to invest the time I would like into meals and find myself making quick meals throughout the week.
One particular problem area was my spice cupboard and baking cupboard, I have allsorts; things like rose water and orange blossom water that I only tend to use once in their lifespan. So many herbs and spices, that are reserved just for curries, and others that I have never even used. The below 3 are particularly interesting and I can honestly say I have never used these in cooking. I am going to set myself a little challenge, I will find a recipe for each of these ingredients (Lavender, purple basil and rose petals). I will then recreate the recipe(s) and communicate how they went, who knows purple basil might be the must have herb! Anyway I am intrigued by these and what I can create with them!

Do you have any inspiration for me? Please comment. Maybe you have used these before, or you have a recipe or some pearls of wisdom relating to these herbs? I would love to hear your thoughts below.
Thanks for reading
Cookie x

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