Monday, 19 October 2015

Korres | Wild Rose skincare range | Review

Hi All,

Thanks for tuning in with me today for my latest Korres Skin Care review, this time I'll be focussing on their facial creams and treatments.

They very kindly sent me 3 full sized products from their Wild Rose range to try. I absolutely love anything rose themed so of course I was thrilled about this.

Korres Wild Rose 24-Hour Moisturising & Brightening Cream - Oily to Combination Skin 40ml | £20

I have been using this moisturiser in the mornings, it is quite a thick cream and I often make the mistake of applying too much. So far my skin has reacted really well to this cream, no breakouts or irritation, just hydrated happy skin.

This contains Wild Rose oil which is rich in vitamin C and offers significant ability to repair fine lines and skin discolorations, making this product ideal for me and my freckly sun damaged skin.

Korres Wild Rose Advanced Repair Sleeping Facial 40ml | £26

I thought that this would be a little more effort but it couldn't be simpler, you apply this before bed and wake up with revitalised skin. I really did notice a significant difference the first time I used this little beauty.

This also contains Wild Rose oil, and in addition vitamin C and hyaluronic acid for softer, smoother, radiant skin by morning as promised.

Try these 2 great products in this small affordable kit | only £10 here

Korres Wild Rose Peeling Mask AHA 10% 40ml | £26

I requested to try this product as I have had quite a lot of sun exposure and I have lots of freckles which I would love to tone down a little. I also want to try and reverse any effects that the sun damage may have had on my skin, I know I wont find any miracles here but it's worth looking after your skin irrespective of your past record.

After reading up on AHA's I decided these would be a good choice, to find out more about AHA's and sun damaged skin see here. I would always recommend doing your research before using a product that contains ingredients unknown to you.

It's recommended that you use this product 2 times per week and that you are careful with UV exposure for 1 week after using this product, i.e use sunscreen.

It is also worth using a scrub on your skin the following day to remove dead skin cells.

I have now used this about 5 times, the first time it stung a little and I have read that this is quite normal. I must have toughened up a little as I have had no stinging sensation when using this product since then. I have noticed a slight difference in the pigmentation of my freckles, however it's still early days.

My skin feels good after using the product and it hasn't caused any side effects whatsoever, I will be continuing use of this product and if I see that the results are truly amazing I will post again on this subject.

Overall, each of these products smells pleasant, its a light and fresh rose scent and is in no way over powering.

Each of the creams has benefitted my skin and caused no ill effects.

The only downside, and this is tiny, is that all 3 jars are the same colour and shape and my eyesight is rubbish, especially in the morning, without my glasses I struggle to see what each of these is. The labelling and every aspect are very similar so I need to reach for my glasses unfortunately before I proceed. Don't let this minor detail deter you from buying the products however.

Korres as a company is so consistent and every product I have tried from them has been of exceptional quality and they get a huge thumbs up from me!

Cookie x

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